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Tokenomics for
the E1337 Loyalty Token: $1337

$1337 (Pronounced “Leet”)
The brand name “E1337” stems from the term “1337” which is derived from the word elite, used as an adjective to describe formidable prowess or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming and computer hacking.
In creating a brand that is synonomous with the advances in blockchain and digitalization of assets, we have partnered with Roll to launch a unique use case for Social Tokens…. a Loyalty Token.
The $1337 loyalty token will exist as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain and distribution will take place starting in October 2020.
$1337 tokens cannot be purchased from the E1337 team, but can only be acquired through:
Purchase of E1337 products upon launch
Participation in the E1337 community on our social media channels
As an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, holders of 1337 will forever be in posession of their loyalty “points” and be able to utilize their tokens for a variety of planned use cases.

Are you
ready to start your journey as an E1337ist?

The world will only continue to experience further globalization and digitalization.
With these trends that call for physical distancing (that have been exacerbated by COVID), the metaverse (virtual worlds) is a clear next evolution for communication and social interaction.
With the increasing importance of the metaverse, the $1337 team will leverage the growth of E1337 as the world’s most prominent luxury E-sports apparel brand, to focus on becoming the Gucci of the Metaverse.
Sophsticated fashion design meets wild metaverse creativity meets high quality modeling meets digital asset scarcity…
And all of this will only be purchasable using $1337.

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